Saturday, May 5, 2012

Yellow is the color of my working room...

They say blondes have more fun, so I guess it was no surprise to discover that one of the most recommended classroom colors is yellow. It is supposed to stimulate learning. I wonder if that means we should paint our room yellow. A lot of people do. Here's a little other factoid I learned about yellow walls...people argue more in yellow rooms and babies don't sleep well in yellow rooms. At least that's what "they" say. Who are "they" anyway and how do they know all this stuff? By the way, "they" also say that painting the "teaching" wall of a learning environment a different color than the other three also promotes sharper attention. Again, I don't know who "they" are but "they" seem to think they know what they are talking about. Anyway, I asked the girls what color we should paint our room. Yellow wasn't on our list. Come to think of it, it probably shouldn't be. I mean think about it. If you know me at all and you know my oldest child, you know that we are two peas in a pod. She is my mini me, only with more talent. So...what happens if you put two type A females in the same room and close the door for an hour or so? I'm not really sure I want to find out and I'm pretty sure that Bailey doesn't either! See, for those who do NOT know me, I am not just a type A personality. I am an alpha female. It's not something I strive for and it's not something I'm super proud of, it just is. I think I am raising an alpha female as well. (Actually I think I am raising two and THAT is a whole other show, Oprah!) My oldest child is so much like me that we butt heads...a lot. My middle child is much more easy going. She is a pleaser and works very hard to make other people happy. It is definitely going to be an interesting dynamic next year. But we are certainly looking forward to it.

Table talk at meals centers around one topic, homeschooling. "What are we going to do next year?" "Hey, I got a great idea. Let's talk about homeschooling." (Of course you know, the teacher in me automatically says, "I have a great idea." To which comes the reply, "Cool! You wanna talk homeschool too?" I'm working a little up hill here!) They asked me today if we can paint a wall with chalkboard paint so they can draw on it. So, I thought, sure and then I got to thinking, wonder how many other homeschool moms would like to do that and can't afford the expense.

So here's a little tip for you today...1 cup of paint (any color or finish) and 2 TBSP Non-Sanded Tile Grout (pick it up at your local home improvement store for just a few dollars. Mix completely so there are no lumps and try to do it in a well ventilated area because that stuff is D.U.S.T.Y. So whether you choose yellow as a stimulating color, blue or green for their calming hues or basic black, you can make your own chalkboard paint in any area of your home. If you have a dedicated area for homeschooling but still want it to look like the living room, you can always use the same color that is already on your walls (just be sure that you mark off where it is okay to draw and where it is not!).
Personally, I know me and I know my kids (that's what this whole journey is about anyway, right?) and I personally know that if we paint our room ANY color that tends to stimulate arguments or disagreements, well, let's just say that's NOT a good idea and leave it at that! So...maybe we will check out those calming blues and greens!

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