Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Well, I'm off!!! to shop!!!

Here I go! I'm off to see the A Beka man to buy my new books for the coming year. We have had so many book blessings already this summer. I am excited to finally purchase these last items I need.

The bonus is that since I waited till he came, I got one of my books at the used bookstore for $13 less and since I'm ordering live, I don't have to pay shipping!!!!


So I went to drop of the girls so I could do this in peace and of course, I get there and there is no line and I'm in and out in under 10 minutes (and $171 lighter) and I'm wondering, what should I do for the next half hour? The girls will be furious with me if I take them from Granny's after only a few minutes. So I'm thinking it's a time for Mama to get a refill on my Roo Cup and sit somewhere quiet for a few minutes. Wow, there's a novelty. With three kids underfoot 24/7, there isn't a lot of opportunity for "quiet". I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that concept!

So, I guess I'll go get them and forget quiet. It's not like they are going anywhere in the fall either. Might as well get used to it! :) (And I wouldn't trade it for all the world!!)

Stay tuned for more adventures as we return from our annual family vacation to plunge head first into the foray that is prepping our room! I think we are gonna have us some FUN!!! I'm gonna let the girls help me with this job. It will be good for them.

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