Friday, September 7, 2012

Revelations for a Friday

I got a lovely surprise last week. My parents came in from Indiana for a surprise visit. They were here for almost a week. Which means we had to do school each day with them present. I got my first experience of what it was like to do that (surprisingly easy). We did really well. But beyond that, I got the greatest compliment on our day off this week. More about that later.
We had A LOT of family in from out of town this past week. In addition to my parents from Indiana, Hubby's dad finally finished his contract up North and was able to move here to be with Mom full time. He brought HIS mom to live in a nearby assisted living facility. Because Grammy was moving into town, Grandpa's brother from Northern CA, his sister from mid-CA, and his sister from MD all came to town to help settle their mom. So, Grandpa is finally here (haven't seen him since June), Grammy is finally here (haven't seen her in over a year), two great aunts and a great uncle are visiting AND Grandma and Papaw are visiting. I am amazed we got school done at all! In the midst of that we had a big party for Nayney's third birthday, mine and Hubby's 17th anniversary and Grandpa's retirement party. We even managed to mix in a little lesson on
Christopher Columbus while making breakfast for Papaw!
Yes, that is an egg standing on its end on our kitchen counter. No, it is not hardboiled and no, it is not supported by anything. It comes from an old story about Christopher Columbus and goes right along with the entire homeschooling concept...
I was asked at the retirement party why we decided to homeschool. Of course, if you have read my blog, I started this adventure with the reasons why we decided this was what is best for us. But this time I was asked by a family member who happens to be a brick and mortar teacher. What to say? How to answer? Hmmm...
I began by giving our reasons (they haven't changed) and got interrupted by a child. I dealt with that. Then we went on for a few more minutes before I got interrupted by a child. Dealt with that. A few more minutes of talking before I, yes, you guessed it, got interrupted by a child. Don't get me wrong. My children weren't interrupting an adult conversation (not that they don't do that on occasion). They were just being children at play who occasionally had to be redirected, corrected, kept safe, disciplined, or just generally taken care of in the way one takes care of small children. By the time we were done, I was exhausted, but still felt like I had a good time and that Hubby had gotten plenty of "grown up talk" with his dad and other relatives. I wondered later if I had messed up the conversation. I wonder sometimes what others think of the way we parent our children. I wonder sometimes how we measure up to others. I know we aren't supposed to do that, but we do. A friend recently told me that she doesn't read blogs because she has a tendency to try to measure herself against the blogger's parenting or homeschooling or housekeeping style. I get that. I also get that this business of parenting while homeschooling can be a challenge and a blessing. Someone posted this on facebook today and I loved it...
I totally agree!! But homeschooling my kids has done some other amazing things for me. I got this message from one of the aunts after she went home... "Really enjoyed spending time with you, Bill, and the girls! You & Bill are a great compliment to each other and you are raising 3 beautiful girls! I like your parenting skills that I observed this past weekend! Miss ya!" Wow! Talk about a compliment! It really made my "we're running late so let's get busy" morning shine!
Then of course, there was an added benefit. Even with my precious parents here, my girls were constantly crawling into my lap to snuggle, stopping to give me a hug or kiss, or coming to me first with every need. To some, that might seem like a trial, but to me it is nectar. To know that my children know that Mommy is their first stop for comfort and necessities is a great blessing to me. It is yet another reason why I do what I do. It is why I love what I do!
Oh! And I got a little something extra this week...a new pair of shoes. Maybe ACTUALLY homeschooling in my high heels isn't such an improbability after all! :)

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