Thursday, September 20, 2012

Having "school" out and about

We finished school in record time this afternoon so we went to Hobby Lobby to get some school supplies for tomorrow. I never really realized what a wealth of learning there was there. lol

Boo worked on fractions, percentages, addition, subtraction, and multiplication AND ended up with a cute stuffed toy! A lady let us in front of her in line and after double questioning if she was sure, we proceeded. Boo had already estimated her price by getting out $5.00 (the price of the item was $4.99). Then we had a discussion about tax (ours is HIGH, 9.25%) and the fact that she would need almost fifty cents more. After seeing her face fall ($5.00 was about all she had), I remembered that wonderful thing from Hobby Lobby called the 40% coupon. I had just used my phone to buy mine so I gave it to her and told her she got 40% off. I watched the wheels turn as she thought out loud "five dollars, 5x4 is 20, add a zero, that's two dollars...THREE DOLLARS! I have more than enough!"

She proudly put her toy, her coupon and her dollar, seven quarters and three dimes on the counter and waited. Of course, her total was $3.27 so she rustled in her bag for another quarter and came out with two dimes. I quickly pulled her two dimes together with the other three and pulled a quarter down. "Oh, I see what you did there," she said. "Yes, now you have $3.25," I told her. She proudly produced two pennies from her little bag and handed them to the cashier (who has known her since infancy). Then she turned to the sweet lady behind her her and smiled. "Sorry that took so long," she said. "We are homeschooled now and everything is a learning experience." The sweet lady behind us looked at her and said, "Good for you. That's how EVERYONE should be." I was so proud of her response.

Later we went to Sam's for some groceries and stopped to have a snack. A gentleman came by and spoke to the girls fussing over them (it happens a lot, they are REALLY pretty). He asked Boo how old she was and she told him she was eight. He commented that she was very small for eight (she is). To which SHE replied, "I'm actually almost nine. I've always been small; I was born very, very, very early. It's called premature." He laughed and asked her if she was in school. She looked at me like, "poor man, he just asked the silliest question." THEN she looked at him and said, "Of course I'm in school. I'm homeschooled. We are ALWAYS in school."

I think this might have been one of my proudest homeschool mom moments yet. :)

(Kadoodle designed the above graphic. It is Psalm 32:8)

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