Friday, May 10, 2013

Merry Christmas from Dickson Academy!

FINALLY!!!! I'm not sure who was more interested in Christmas or the girls. I am tired of writing lesson plans, tired of teaching phonics, tired of wrestling a three year old during instruction time, tired of getting up early, and just in general tired. What? I'm allowed. This is a busy time of year for any family, but a work at home mom prepping for a major event who is homeschooling and directing a major musical production is even busier than I thought I would be.

Not to mention that we spent our entire first week getting the girls back and forth to practice for their own musical. They spent hours the first week of December working on their show. It was all well worth it. I personally thought I had the cutest little shepherd there ever was. I just wish we had been able to see Kadoodle better. The only way I could find her in my pictures was to look for the poofy headband I had bought her that day.

You can almost see Kadoodle in the center.
Look for the poofy headband!
Boo's earring business is keeping her busy and she is working very hard trying to keep up with orders there as well. I am a sewing fiend trying to prepare for my first Christmas Market with our local Market group. I worked the YMCA Market last year, but I had eight weeks to prepare for that. This year, I had TWO, yes that's right, two weeks to sew enough items to fill a booth and keep folks shopping for two weekends. Guess what? I made Christmas this year and next year, I'ma do it all again!

We also started Upward Cheerleading this month. So the girls had sign ups, clinics, and first practices all leading up to their season of cheering. This is Boo's fifth year cheering and Kadoodle's third.

This month also brought a special field trip into the local VW plant where Daddy works. We got to see where they make the cars, run some tests on them, and even play ball with a robot. Outdoor iceskating was a big hit, especially since it was 70+ degrees!

Of course, we had to take a day and go visit Santa at the mall. We were out for the holiday by that time, but since we started our break early, we were able to do other things that we ordinarily wouldn't have been able to do. We had a great Christmas season.

 I loved that when we were on our break, we still used our time to learn and continue several of our homeschool lessons. The girls didn't want to "do school" every day but they also didn't want to be without school the entire time either. We have decided to start back right after the New Year. See you next year!!

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