Friday, May 10, 2013

On TARGET in November

November brought us a potentially dangerous undertaking. Boo decided that 4H is the thing for her and is pursuing an education in archery. We are staying clear of her for the time being! Just kidding, she is learning a lot and for someone as small as she is, just drawing the bow is a major undertaking. We took her and bought a small beginner bow to practice with at home, but the bow she will eventually use for competition will have to be borrowed for now. I wonder if it is acceptable to do "fund raisers" for home schoolers? We need supplies and equipment too. Maybe I will contact my local Celebrating Home Designer and hit her up for fundraising brochures. Dickson Academy needs some fundraising LOVE! :)

November has also brought a lot of extra classroom time in music as both older girls prepare for our annual Worship Arts Link for Kids (WALK) Christmas Musical. Boo has a drama part as well as a solo and both girls will be singing in the adult Christmas Concert as well.

And of course, just like the public schools, we are taking a break for the Thanksgiving Holiday. When the photos came back from our Fall Trip to Indiana, Mama did NOT like what she saw and so we are all now on a journey to fitness as part of our regular classroom schedule. We are learning about portion control, proper eating habits, and getting daily exercise. We also have done a little research into carbonated sodas and they have been officially nixed from our home (at least for Mama anyway). As a result of a lot of this new information, Boo and I did some research on freezing herbs to use fresh ones instead of processed ones. She also learned a lot Thanksgiving weekend as she cooked the entire Thanksgiving meal for the whole family.

By the end of the month, Mama had lost her first 12 pounds and was much happier with how she felt than she had in October.

We have made a lot of good use of our chalkboard as well. This month we worked on some writing assignments and discussed better ways to say certain words. Here is just a small example of our work.

Only a few weeks are left until Christmas break and both the teacher and the students are looking forward to some out of the classroom down time. However, we have decided that we are going to spend some of our time learning some new skills. In October, Boo received some jewelry making supplies for her birthday. Since then she has been creatively working on a new jewelry line that is available on Mama's website, and is found under the album "Bailey's Baubles and Bits." We are also doing a lot of research to plan our homemade Christmas gifts and what we are going to give each other this year.

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