Friday, August 10, 2012

Day Five...Crash and Burn

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. I was just hoping for later than our first week. We had our first major crash and burn day today.

First, we started 15 minutes late. I know, I know, we homeschool. Who is looking at the clock? Well, actually I am. I made a commitment to be my children's teacher and I take that pretty seriously (the commitment, not the teaching. if you can't have a crazy sense of humor while teaching, you are in trouble). Apparently, that set our dial to disaster.

First, nothing I attempted to occupy the Naynster with would do. She insisted on sitting at our table in the middle of our room where we do one on one instruction. No big deal, I'm thinking. We are doing seatwork right now anyway. Forever. And ever. And ever. World without end. Amen.

No, really. It was awful. I set Kylie down with her handwriting practice. She had to practice writing the letters A, B, and C. Then she had to write the names of three princesses whose names began with those letters (Ariel, Belle and Cinderella). This should have been a quick and easy task for someone so obsessed with her Disney princesses. Not so. She wrote the capital A. "Mommy, I'm done." I look at her paper. "What about the lower case a?" Big sigh. "Oh." She finished the lower case a. "Mommy, I'm done." I think you get the idea here. In two hours, she managed to finish these three letters and three pages in her bridge book. THREE PAGES AND THREE LETTERS IN TWO HOURS????? Really? Surely, Boo had fared better.

Not so. She managed to read ONE chapter in Ella Enchanted and ONE story in her reading book and do ONE page of Grammar. Really? IN TWO HOURS???????

At my wit's end, we attempted some online storybook reading. Kadoodle cried because she couldn't read "the cat did not get the rat." I know she can read that. I know she is capable. I sat down and told her AGAIN that "it is ok to not know, but it is not okay to not try." She dried her tears and sat at the computer for a few seconds. Then out of the blue, she looks up and reads it perfectly. I am so angry at whoever told her she wasn't smart last year that I want to go to that school and wring someone's neck!

Finally after three hours of getting nothing accomplished and fighting with Nayney to get her to stop scribbling in HER book, I gave up. It was time to be done. I told them enough was enough for one day. So, I guess we have to do five hours on Monday or something, but I was just NOT going any further today. It wouldn't do for Mommy to lose it the first week of school. That has to wait till at LEAST week five!!!

Another appropriate note from

***I feel the need to add a little note to the end of this. Some of my homeschool friends were concerned at what a rough time I had. Never fear. I will be back on Monday and I am armed to the TEETH with things to keep Nayney occupied (including a cherished friend to come and play with her if worst comes to worse!).

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