Friday, August 10, 2012

Day Three -- Finding a Groove

So I wasn't able to actually blog on Day Three because that evening my computer decided to take a nose dive and for some reason attempting a blog on my tablet just didn't seem to be a good idea. BUT I did take some pictures and we are finding our groove. We did very well today sailing on through our day and completing all of the tasks I had hoped as well as catching up on some day one and two tasks.

Nayney sat at a table for a full 30 minutes and colored in a coloring book. I also got out the blocks today (something different from Play-Doh) and the girls took breaks from school work to play with her. We started at 8:15 (we are getting later each day!) and went straight till 12:15 without any stops. The girls are also enjoying one thing I did NOT expect...teaching each other!

So, I have discovered in these three short days that Kadoodle is a very hands-on learner and needs a little more stimulation than her sister. For science today we talked about our sense of sight. To help them with that, I went around the house with a small bucket and gathered items from their rooms. I placed ten items on a tray and let them look at the tray. Then I had them each close their eyes and I would remove an item from the tray. They had a great time trying to figure out which item I had removed. Of course, each one of them had to have a turn at it! Here is a photo of Bailey working out what I took.

Working away on our pj's!

And now I have a confession to make. Hubby looked at my blog today and said, "People know you don't actually wear high heels while you are teaching, right?" To which I indignantly replied, "If I wear them cleaning the house, what makes you think I don't wear them teaching?" He looked pointedly at my poor feet. I am not, sadly, wearing high heels ANYWHERE at present. The week before school started I broke my baby toe on my left foot. This wouldn't be a big deal if it were not 21 days shy of the one year anniversary of me breaking said toe while getting Kadoodle ready for the first week at Kindergarten. I thought homeschooling would be less dangerous, but alas, someone left a tennis racket where it should not be and my toe is broken...again...for the third time in less than a year.

But do not dismay, homeschool friends, there WILL come a day when I will be able to wear my high heels again and there WILL come a day when I will wear them in my classroom. I just have to find the right pair for teaching the same as I found the right pair for cleaning house. Maybe I need to go shopping...

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