Monday, August 6, 2012

Day One: Survival vs. Success

Was Day One a raging success? I don't know. Does survival count as success? Because if so, yes. It was a huge success!

We started at 7:30 (their idea, not mine) and by 8:15 my middle child wanted to know if we were done for the day yet. At 9:30 she asked again and at 10, 10:15, 10:30, 10:45...I think you get the idea here. I asked her if she was bored and her answer was no. But she also told me that she didn't expect there to be this much work involved. Hmm...maybe we need to have a conversation about expectations. My oldest opted to pay more attention to her sister's work than her own and ended up with quite a bit of homework (mean old mom is making her finish her math, all two sheets of it and actually write her spelling words because that is how she learns them really well. ugh.)

At first, things were great. Kylie and I did a lot of phonics work and they had some time on their own for independent work. They seemed to enjoy it alright.

But then the "baby" woke up. Naynay isn't exactly a baby, she will be three in a few weeks, but she is our baby and she is not used to the girls being home during "school" and it was very difficult for her to leave them alone. Especially Kadoodle who is closest to her in age. She kept coming in and asking me if she could hug her. How could I say no?? I do have things to occupy her but I am not sure if I have the time to take away from the other two to get her on track and keep her on track. I think I will be cleaning the living room today so that tomorrow I can avail myself of my secret weapon...PlayDoh!!!

All in all we had some fun, did some hard work and of course they also shared with me one of the many reasons they already like homeschooling...

No shoes!!!

And I must admit that I am guilty of the same. I didn't wear shoes either. BUT that isn't to say that you will not, at some point, see me teaching in my high heels.
After all, I DO clean the house in them.

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